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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Emotional Labour - How to appraise it?

We could have witnessed receptionists shimmering with a radiant smile always!!! I have wondered on the plastic smile fixed in certain faces. The service industry workers throw us a positive vibration with their expressive welcome!!! All those are forms of their emotional labour. Many wonder if such emotional labour cud b appraised quantitatively. I think it is possible. Have u ever come across a situation where u met with an inconvenience, but still managed not to complain? Hope everyone of us would have done that at some point of time in our life!!! Reason? We might have got some soft corner with the person who got us such inconvenience. What makes us hav such positive feel with an unknown person? The positive emotional feel is mostly because of the positive expression they pour on us. Their smile, welcome, poise attitude, etc.,
Hence the complaints we get against the service industry workers do play a major role in understanding the emotional labour of the workers.
Wud blog more on emotional labour.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Nice topic to do have a discussion.

    we can appraise the emotional labour(EL) by giving them right appreciation in right time( as you said
    the time they have plastic smile).

    before that we need ask our self that how they come down from the shimmering radiant smile to
    plastic smile.

    because the EL haven't received the enough positive expression from their visitors for their radiant smile.Instead received the neutral plastic smiles, which in turn resulted in plastic smile.

    Hence the above can appraised only by right appreciations.
